英语笔记9:Roadside Assistance

道路救援 Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance Provides 24/7 Emergency Help

Provide help,提供帮助;Provides Emergency Help,提供紧急帮助;

Get help now by calling ×××.

get help,获取帮助;call×××call at×××,打电话,后面跟电话号码;

When your car breaks down, you run out of gas or you’re locked out, Nationwide Roadside Assistance helps make it simple and easy to get back on the road and on your way.

break down,汽车抛锚;run out of gas,用光汽油,gas是指汽油;locked out,是指被锁在门外,比如:I’m locked out of my car;get back on the road,回到路上;

Sign up and feel more secure when you travel.

Our 24-hour emergency roadside program provides towing, a jump start, gas delivery, a flat tire change, even the services of a qualified locksmith.

Roadside Assistance 服务内容

道路救援包括以下几种情况:拖车(towing),点火(jump start),加油(gas delivery),更换爆胎(flat tire change),开锁(locksmith);

Once you sign up for Roadside Assistance, you’ll have up to $100 in lock-out services in the event that:

如果你被锁在车外(are locked out of your car),你可以获得最高$100的理赔, up to,高达某个数值;lock-out services包括以下情况:

  • You lose your ignition key or fob,丢失点火钥匙 ignition key
  • Your key breaks off in the ignition, door or trunk,钥匙断裂 break off
  • When you’ve locked your keys in your car,钥匙锁在车内;

如何使用 Roadside Assistance?

Roadside Assistance service is easy to use, We’ll confirm your location and send emergency services if you’re in any danger.

第一步,确定你所在的位置,confirm location

A Roadside Assistance field representative will be dispatched to your location to help.

第二步,相关服务人员representativerep将被派遣be dispatched to

In many cases, you’ll just sign and drive. No payment is required.



We offer two levels of Roadside Assistance


1) Nationwide Roadside Assistance Basic,基本服务

Applies to everyone on your policy, in any car you might be in.

  • Car towing service up to 15 miles,15英里之内拖车;
  • Ditch extraction service,车滑进沟里;
  • Delivering gas when your tank is empty,油箱空时可以加油;
  • Jump start a dead battery,电池用尽点火起动;
  • Lockout service up to $100,$100 Lockout service;
  • Replace a flat tire with your spare,换备胎;

2) Nationwide Roadside Assistance Plus,高级服务

All the services above, plus:

  • Car towing service up to 100 miles,100英里之内拖车;
  • Trip interruption coverage that will reimburse your expenses up to $500 for alternate transportation, lodging and meals when you’re stranded 100 or more miles from home,旅行中断保险,如果你离开家100英里以上,你的旅行被打断,你需要换车、住宿、吃饭,保险公司将补偿高达$500的费用;strand,本意搁浅,be stranded被困在某处之意;reimburse expenses,补偿费用。

  • 本文作者:括囊无誉
  • 本文链接: English Notes/英语笔记9/
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